From the beginning of the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 it was clear war would signify civilian casualties and suffering. I began my war diary, drawing in sketchbooks in the evenings, continuing through the catastrophic Iraq Invasion of 2003 and ever since. There is no coherence to my war diary – I just pick up my pen or brush as I watch the evening news. Occasionally I take recurring themes into the studio to create 3D pieces.
Flight and migration were dominant themes from the very beginning. The true devastation of families and communities is outside my experience or pictorial language, yet the sense of grief is too challenging to ignore. How to respond? It may seem archaic, for instance, to articulate despair through images depicting the exile of the Three Graces, but, for me, they signify, not a concept of ‘beauty’, but the true grace of a communally shared culture, perhaps firstly seeded in the household and through the agency of women, in cuisine and hospitality, song and dance, the market place, ceremony and neighbourliness. Grace flees alongside the citizens of destroyed communities. And grace morphs into terror and fury.
My war diaries are dedicated to all women past and present whose lives have been shattered by armed conflict.
- The Monsters Gather, War Mongerer, 2018, watercolour, 27x20cm,
- The Monsters Gather, 2002
- War Hawk, 2002
- The Monsters Gather 2,, 48x37x35cm, wood,2018
- The Monsters Gather 1.,2018, wood, 45x35x30cm,
- The Monsters Gather, War Angel, 2001, ink and wash, 25x21cm
- The Erinyes, 1993,29x48cm, ink and wash, 1993
- The Erinyes, 1993, ink and wash, 29x48cm,
- War Diary, Invasion,, 2005, 26x35cm, mixed media, 2005
- War Diary, Invasion, 2005, mixed media, 26x37cm
- The Furies,monoprint, 26x37c,m. 2005
- Ithuriel and Zephan, from Gustav Dore, 2007
- The Furies, bronze, 42x42x23m kargest 2001
- War, ink, 2007
- Fugitive, card and wire, 2010
- Freedom fighter, card and wire, 2011
- The Banality of the Armed Thug, 2018
- The Boy Soldier, 2018,watercolour, 20x19cm
- Trump and his Daemons, My Button is Bigger Than Yours, 2018
- My Button is Bigger, 2018, watercolour, 20x19cm
- Big Man, ink, 2008
- Street Terror, November, 2015
- The dead have peace, it is the survivors who are in a living hell, Dec 2015
- The Market Place, watercolour 2016
- Bombardment, November, 2015
- Fugitives, 2015. wc, 20x18cm
- Aerial Bombardment, October, 2015
- Flight, September, 2015
- Flight, ink, 2005
- Flight, ink, 2005
- Flight, watercolour, 2006
- War Diary, watercolour, 2005
- War Diary, watercolour, 2005
- Run, watercolour, 2009
- Walk On, watercolour, 2009
- Walk On, pastel, 50x50cm, 2008
- Exodus. Pastel, 50x50cm, 2008
- Exodus, watercolour, 2015
- Fugitives 2016, watercolour, 20×18.5cm
- Exodus, watercolour, 2015
- Taken, watercolour, 2009
- Rendition, watercolour, 2007
- The Condemned, watercolour, 2006
- Defeat, watercolour, 2007
- Afraid, ink, 2005
- Three Graces Scorned, watercolour, 2005
- Three Graces Redundant, ink and watercolour, 2006
- In our name, ink and watercolour, 2006
- Grief, watercolour, 2007
- Fugitive, watercolour, 2005
- Chaos prevails, waterolour and ink
- The Omen, watercolour, 2015
- The Little Murder, watercolour
- The Horizon Watchers. Watercolour, 2013
- The Watcher, terracotta, 2010
- And? waterolcour, 2012
- And next? watercolour and ink, 2009,
- Witness, 2018, watercolour, 20x19cm
- Witness, 2016, watercolour, 20x19cm
- Migration by sea, watercolour 2016
- Sea Voyage, watercolour, 2016
- The Hope Boat, watercolour, 2015
- Refugees in the City, watercolour, 2005
- Alienation in the City 1, watercolour, 2011
- Alienation in the City 2, watercolour, 2011
- Alienation in the City, 2018, watercolour, 20x19cm
- Alienation in the City 3, watercolour, 2011
- Frustrated surveillance, ink and wash, 2006
- Capital harnessing cheap labour, ink, 2008
- Migrants, watercolour, 2016
- Exodus, October 2015
- Fenced Out, October 2015
- Migration by land, watercolour, 2016
- The Migration, watercolour, 2016
- Rape and Muder, watercolour, 2007
- Sacrificed, watercolour, 2016
- Striding woman with child, conte. 2002
- Refugee mother with child, terracotta
- Refugee mother with child, terracotta, 2015
- Mother and Child, 2018, 24x18cm watercolour