Trio of Maenads, 2022, 56 cm height
Maenad, 2022, 85 cm height
Artemis, Goddess of the Sacred Grove, alerted to the intruder, warning and devastation, 2023, 85cm max height
Goddess of Nowhere, wood, 175x57x79cm, 2020
The Monsters Gather 1,45x35x30cm, 2018 wood,
The Monsters Gather 2, wood, 48x37x35cm, 2018
Reclining Figure, 20×35.5x18cm, 2017
Seated Girl wearing Mask, wood, 30x34x17cm, 2021
See, Hear, Speak No Evil, wood, 53cm h.,2019
Up Rising, wood and copper tube, 78x44x50cm, 2021
Crow. Balsa wood, 35cm w, 2011
The Guardian, wood, 99x26x25cm, 2020
Eve, wood and metal rod, 105x33x21cm, 2014
Standing Figure, mixed materials, 87.5×26.5x13cm, 2013,
Punk Muse, mixed materials, 55×16.5 cm, 2016
Seated Figure, 28x35x26.5cm, 2017
Madonna and Manchild, 76x30x38cm, 2015
Millennium Muse, 75x43x35cm, wood and metal, 2016
Foam Born, 67x57x47cm. balsa and copper, 2015
Tiamat, (Babylonian Sea Monster), metal and painted wood structure, 74x20x17cm, 2016
River Spirit, 103×22.5x31cm, copper and wood, 2016
Dancer in Repose, wood and metal rod, 50x15x11cm, 2017
Venus Rising, 72x52x44cm, wood and metal, 2015
Venus Rising, 72x52x44cm, balsa and copper tubing, 2015
Beloved, copper tube and wood, 115cm, 2015
Beloved, copper tube and wood, 115cm, 2015
Goddess figure, wood and metal rod, 51x14x11cm, 2016
Female Philosopher with Bird, 86x20x19cm, 2012
Demeter, 50x17x10cm, wood, 2016
The Ever-adaptable Officer Worker. Card and wire, 55x33x24cm, 2012
Cubist Head. Card and wire construction, 45x25x30cm, 2011
Head of Orpheus, mixed materials, 2015
Head, mixed materials, 2015
Head with Bird. Wood, card and wire, 2013, 49.5×21.5x15cm
Computer Repair Man. Wire, found objects and reused materials construction, 37x15x30cm, 2011
Head. Wood and wire, 2013, 76x35x22cm
Aphrodite, painted balsa wood construction, 74x34x31cm, 2014
Masked Figure, balsa, 25cm h., 2014
Masked Figure, balsa, 25cm h.2014
Three Masked Figures, balsa wood, 25cm h., 2013
Running Figure, balsa, 50cm h., 2014
Standing Figure, balsa, 37.5x10x10cm, 2018
The Lads, 50cm height
Lad, 48x12x9.5cm, balsa, 2014
Persephone, 48x12x10cm, wood, 2016
Standing Girl, wood, 50x16x7.5cm, 2014
Male Philosopher with Bird. Wood and wire, 2013, 86×26.5x33cm
Male figure, 100cm h. balsa, 2014
Flora, balsa wood, 100cm, 2014
Work in progress, balsa wood construction, 1m high
Work in progress, balsa wood and wire construction
Detail of St. Francis figure for Cley 14, balsa wood construction, 1m high
St. Francis, for Cley, 1m h.
Bird, balsa wood
Corvus, Cley 14 installation, balsa wood
Archaic Priestess, balsa, 1m h., 2014, Cley14
Nature, balsa and card, 1m h., 2014, Cley 14
Flora, balsa, 1m h. 2014
Walking in red, balsa and wire, 2014
Run. card and wire construction, 59x48x22 cm, 2010
Fugitive. Card and wire construction, 60cm height, 2008